First Published on April 3rd, 2023 by Bob Ciura for SureDividend. Spreadsheet data updated daily
In order for retirees to generate dividend income that remains relatively stable on a month-to-month basis, it is necessary for them to understand what stocks pay dividends in which months.
That’s where Sure Dividend comes in. We’ve created a database of every stock that pays dividends in April (plus important metrics that matter to investors), which you can download by clicking on the link below:

The database of stocks that pay dividends in April available for download above contains the following metrics for every security in the list:
- Name
- Ticker
- Stock price
- Dividend yield
- Market capitalization
- P/E Ratio
- Payout Ratio
- Beta
Keep reading this article to learn more about how to use our database of stocks that pay dividends in April to find investment ideas.
Note: Constituents for the spreadsheet and table above are from the Wilshire 5000 index, with data provided by Ycharts and updated annually. Securities outside the Wilshire 5000 index are not included in the spreadsheet and table.
In this article
How To Use The April Dividend Stocks List To Find Investment Ideas
Having an Excel database that contains the name, ticker, and price-to-earnings ratio of every stock that pays a dividend in the month of April can be tremendously useful.
This document becomes even more powerful when combined with a working knowledge of spreadsheet tools like Microsoft Excel.
With this in mind, the following tutorial will demonstrate how to apply to additional investing screens to the stocks within the April dividend stocks database.
The first screen that we’ll demonstrate is for stocks that trade with market capitalizations above $15 billion and betas below 1.
Screen 1: Market Capitalization Above $15 Billion, Beta Below 1
Step 1: Download your free list of stocks that pay dividends in April by clicking here. Apply Excel’s filter function to every column in the spreadsheet.
Step 2: Click the filter icon at the top of the market capitalization column, as shown below.

Step 3: Change the filter setting to “Greater Than” and input 15000 into the field beside it, as shown below. Since market capitalization is measured in millions, screening for market capitalizations above “15000” is equivalent for screening for market capitalizations above $15 billion.

Step 4: Close out of the filter window (by clicking the exit button, not by clicking the “Clear Filter” button in the bottom right corner). Next, click on the filter icon at the top of the beta column, as shown below.

Step 5: Change the filter setting to “Less Than” and input 1 into the field beside it, as shown below. This will filter for April dividend stocks with betas below 1.

The remaining stocks in this database are stocks that pay dividends in April that have market capitalizations above $15 billion and betas below 1.
The next screen that we’ll demonstrate how to implement is for stocks that pay dividends in April with price-to-earnings ratios below 10 and dividend yields above 5%.
Screen 2: Price-to-Earnings Ratios Below 10, Dividend Yields Above 5%
Step 1: Download your free list of stocks that pay dividends in April by clicking here. Apply Excel’s filter function to every column in the spreadsheet.
Step 2: Click on the filter icon at the top of the price-to-earnings ratio column, as shown below.

Step 3: Change the filter setting to “Less Than” and input 10 into the field beside it, as shown below. This will filter for stocks that pay dividends in April with price-to-earnings ratios less than 10.

Step 4: Close out of the filter window (by clicking the exit button, not by clicking the “Clear Filter” button in the bottom right corner). Then, click the filter icon at the top of the dividend yield column, as shown below.

Step 5: Change the filter setting to “Greater Than” and input 0.05 into the field beside it. This will filter for stocks that pay dividends in April with dividend yields above 5%.

The remaining stocks in this spreadsheet are stocks that pay dividends in April with price-to-earnings ratios below 10 and dividend yields above 5%.
You now have a broad understanding of how to harness the power of Microsoft Excel to find investment ideas within our database of stocks that pay dividends in April.
To conclude this article, we’ll share other investment databases that you can use to find compelling dividend investment opportunities.
Final Thoughts
Having an Excel document that contains the name, tickers, and financial information for all stocks that pay dividends in April is quite useful – but it becomes far more useful when combined with other databases for the non-April months of the calendar year.
This article was first published by Bob Ciura for Sure Dividend
Sure dividend helps individual investors build high-quality dividend growth portfolios for the long run. The goal is financial freedom through an investment portfolio that pays rising dividend income over time. To this end, Sure Dividend provides a great deal of free information.
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