Would you install a Kenyan Wallstreet Mobile App?
Yes 886 / 933
Other 47 / 933
What mobile operating system do you use?
iOS 105 / 655
Android 547 / 655
Other 3 / 655
What of these features would you want in the Mobile App? (You can select multiple features)
Business News 434 / 2212
Live Market Data (Nairobi Securities Exchange) 363 / 2212
Live Market Data (Global Markets) 292 / 2212
Trading (NSE Stocks) 335 / 2212
Trading (Global Stocks) 267 / 2212
Mobile Wallet 253 / 2212
Podcasts 239 / 2212
Other 29 / 2212
Please share your details to get Exclusive Early Access to the Mobile App
Other 100 / 1347
Other 96 / 1347
Other 91 / 1347
Other 1060 / 1347