Kenyan Wall Street has partnered up with NSE to provide investors with the latest financial news & insights right at the comfort of one accessing a newly launched app. Access to the financial news category is located at the upper left of the app down to the financial news segment.
The exchange has been leveraging on technology to offer access to the investing public and the NSE Mobile App is yet another great milestone that will enable market participants to keep track of what is happening in the market.
Through the app, one can access information about the listed companies, product offerings, market analytics, real-time stock prices, financial news, the NSE broker directory as well as virtual trading. The simulator allows interested investors to play around with the market before making a buy/sell investment decision.
The app also breaks down complex capital market information for ordinary Kenyans who tend to shy away from such topics.
The mobile app will further enhance financial inclusion and ease of trading attracting young traders into learning and investing in capital markets.
The NSE app is available for download on Google Playstore and will be available on Apple store in a few days.