The Kenyan government is set to create 50 special zones/feedlots for the production of livestock for the export market. The project will be carried out in partnership with strategic partners with the aim of addressing climate change impacts such as the losses farmers incur during drought.
“This approach is expected to mitigate against climate change, and to ensure production of quality livestock for local consumption and export. To raise the quality of livestock and meat for local and export markets, my Administration will establish 50 feedlots through strategic partnerships and private investors.” President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The Upcoming Feedlots
The feedlots will be located in different parts of the country with large livestock populations and areas that are usually impacted the most during drought.
The feedlots project is part of a broad livestock value chain improvement programme which comprises of the providing livestock with comprehensive insurance cover and high-quality semen through liquid nitrogen plants located in places such as Meru, Eldoret, Sotik, and Kirinyaga.
“My Administration has an insurance programme for cushioning farmers against livestock losses caused by drought. This year we expect to cover 110,000 livestock, thus protecting 22,000 households,” said the President.
The government is also putting efforts towards ensuring that farmers have access to quality and affordable livestock and enhanced markets. The President acknowledged his delight in the quality of the breeders’ show which has attracted farmers and stakeholders from COMESA and SADC regions.