Jumia Kenya is set to add Mooka TV, a customised television by Chinese electronics and home appliances company Haier, to its online platform. Jumia Kenya will stock the 32″ Mooka digital TV at a price of Sh13,999 and the 55″ at a price of Sh45,999. This is a discount of about 50% when compared to products from Samsung and LG with similar features.
The product was launched on 9 January 2014.
The Features
The Mooka TV features a strong design thanks to is thin bezel, energy efficiency consumption, and “it is created for the needs of users in the internet age and has a distinct internet attribute” according to Jumia Kenya.
Mooka TV is an exclusive customized TV product for Haier. It is created for the needs of users in the internet age and has a distinct internet attribute.