The Central Bank of Kenya(CBK) accepted bids worth KS 24.2 Billion out of the KSh 24 Billion that was offered at the weekly Treasury Bills auction. This is the third straight oversubscription in a row.
The most attractive tenor was the 91-days Treasury Bill which received bids worth KSh 5.6 Billion out of the KSh 4 Billion that was on offer, a performance of 139.6%.
It was followed by the one year Treasury Bill which received bids worth KSh 12.9 Billion out of the KSh 10 Billion that was on sale at the auction.
The 182 days Treasury Bill received bids worth KSh 6.5 Billion out of the KSh 10 Billion that was offered, a performance of 65%.
Out of amounts accepted, competitive bids were worth KSh 5 Billion, KSh 6 Billion and KSh 6.6 Billion for the 91 days, 182 days and 364 days Treasury Bills respectively.
The weighted average interest rate of accepted bids was 6.706%, 7.152% and 8.094% for the three months, six months and one year Treasury Bills respectively.
The next auction date and bids closure will be on Thursday, 26th November 2020. Successful bidders must make their payments to the CBK by 30th November 2020, at 2.00 pm.
In the Treasury Bonds Market, the CBK’s tap sale for the 25-year Treasury bond of November 11th, 2020 received bids totaling KSh 8.0 billion against an advertised amount of KSh 20.0 billion, representing a performance of 39.8%
ALSO READ:CBK Raises KSh 29.7 Billion from Weekly T-Bills Auction, 126.6% Subscription Rate