Central Bank of Kenya(CBK) received bids worth KSh 36.443 billion at this week’s Treasury Bills Auction out of KSh 24 billion offered, an oversubscription of 151.85%. The CBK accepted bids worth KSh 36.3 billion. The most attractive debt instrument was the 91-day T-bills which received bids worth KSh 33.3 billion out of KSh 4 billion offered, a performance rate of 833.06% with the state fiscal agent accepting bids worth KSh 33.2 billion.
The least attractive paper was the 3-month treasury bills which received bids worth KSh 1.347 billion out of KSh 10 billion offered, with CBK accepting KSh 1.344, a performance rate of 13.47%.
The one-year treasury bills received bids worth KSh 1.7 billion out of KSh 10 billion offered with the entire amount being accepted at the auction, representing a performance rate of 17.74%
The total amounts accepted at this auction were made up of KSh 33.3 billion in competitive bids and KSh 3.01 billion made up of non-competitive bids.
CBK Offer To Investors In Government Paper
Bidders were offered a return of 12.109%, 12.271%, and 12.452% for the 91-day, 182-day, and 364-day treasury bills at this auction respectively compared to 12.014%, 12.199%, and 12.250% at the previous auction.
The next auction and bids closure is 20th July 2023 where treasury bills worth KSh 24 billion will be offered and results announced on 21st July 2023.
The CBK also accepted bids worth KSh 38.6 billion out of KSh 40 billion offered during the July 2023 Treasury Bonds tap sale that involved a re-opened 10-year and new 5-year Treasury Bonds.
Bids received amounted to KSh 51.763 billion, an oversubscription of 129.41%. Treasury is expected to use the amounts raised at this T-bonds sale for new borrowings and or net repayments.
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