The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) received bids worth KSh 32.4 Billion but accepted KSh 30.5 Billion against an advertised KSh 24 Billion treasury bills. The auction recorded a subscription rate of 134.97%.
CBK received bids worth KSh 8.5 Billion, KSh 9.6 Billion and KSh 14.3 Billion for the 91days, 182 days and 364 days Treasury bills respectively.
Competitive bids accepted were worth KSh 22.9 Billion against KSh 7.6 Billion in non-competitive bids.
The next Treasury Bills Auction, for bills worth KSh 24 Billion closes on 13th August 2020 with results to be announced the following day.
CBK says all bids must be submitted and received by CBK by 2.00 p.m. on Thursday,13th August, 2020.
These payments must reach the Central Bank of Kenya not later than 2.00 p.m on Monday, 17th August.
ALSO READ:T-Bill Auction Raises Ksh23.97B